Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Thought about doing a make up tutorial with Eli. Haha.

still clean

at our best

Actually, it wasn't that easy to get this color off.

So I went to the 1st Holi Festival in Vienna with some friends.  

What's Holi? 
The HOLI Festival takes place on the day of the fullmoon of the Phaluga month and is one of the most famous celebrations in the northern parts of India. At this Hindu-Festival people celebrate the victory of the good over the bad and the beginning of the spring.
The special feature is that the people paint themselves with various colours and throw colourful powder in the air to express the freedom and to colour their everyday life. The most important thing is, that on this day all castes of the indian caste-system are nullified and put out of force. On this day of celebration all people are supposed to be equal!
Pure Emotions
This is where the idea to bring this festival to the rest of the world come from. Unfortunately there is a huge level of inequality in the world and people deserve a celebration where the everyday life takes a step back and people come together in peace and harmony. A pleasant and cheerful festival, which leave a lasting impression on visitors and those who will read or hear about it. This Event has the power to directly promote and foster equality and tolerance and bring people together.
(source: www.holifestival.com)

Highly recommended! This event was fun, even if the line-up was not my kinda music. There was delicious food and the drinks weren't as pricey as expected. But if you're planning to go to the next festival, make sure you put something on, that you don't wanna wear anymore. If you have plans after the event, make sure to have some time to go home and take a shower. It might take a while until the color comes off. I needed about three to five showers to get all of the color out of my hair. Buying a mask is totally worth it. The color is not bad for your health or toxic at all, but you will enjoy the moments even more, if you're not coughing the whole time.

I apologize for the bad quality of the pictures. As we didn't know what exactly was expecting us, we just had our phones with us.

Thinking about going to the next Holi Festival in Linz at the end of August.

For more information go to the Holi Website or just check it out on Facebook.

Check out the video by Kurier. You can see me and my friends in the background haha.


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