Sunday, May 10, 2015


I am really trying to keep this blog alive but there are times when it seems like there's just no time 
to do that. Right now I'm writing this post, being in bed, having the worst headache of all time, 
worrying about life (too much). But I guess we all reach a stage of life where it seems like nothing's
going right. As much as I hate to say this but I think it's time to economize a little bit. It's funny 
because I actually promised myself that I want to spend more time working on more content for
onefauxseven. But behind this blog, there's still a human being, yes. There's me, being stretched 
to my limits. So at this point I decided to prioritize and concentrate on other goals I've set. It's 
just that I've aimed high and there are things that I really need to get done first. I'm shooting for the
moon but things are not working so well at the moment. I don't wanna go into detail but it seems like
I am using my last energy reserves to still keep my performances in life going in every way. I can feel
that my brain isn't working anymore. I've spent the last months feeling drained. Daily life taps my 
energy reservoir dry now. And I have to deal with unexpected major setbacks. I feel like I'm going
through hell but I wanna keep going because I have to. If you know me, you will think that I've cried
a lot within the past weeks. Well, I wish I did. I really wish I could cry at the moment just to get rid of
this boulder-sized weight lands on my shoulders. But I can't, so I won't. Instead I am taking all the
negative things in life to build up a new wall of resistance and turn it into new motivation. Easier said
than done. It's easy because there's simply no choice. Here's what I do, to keep going when nothing's 
going right: 

It's called R E C O V E R Y.

I try to recover in any way possible. Getting some sleep and the energy I will need is one thing. 
Then I try to get rid of all the negative emotions by surrounding myself with good people. But here's 
the thing. It's important to me, that I'm not only surrounding myself with people that I love, or people 
that are fun, but people that are either in the same situation or do have the understanding of what is 
actually going on. I always will appreciate the people who are good listeners. But sometimes it's not 
the listeners that you need. Sometimes you just need to be hit right in the face. 
Then there's music. Music always helps. Some of you might consider taking a long nice bath to relax. 
I am simply annoyed by the fact that I have to lie around in a bathtub, doing nothing but waste 
precious time. I'd rather take an hour (or a day )to do things, that actually make fun. 

And If I feel like crying, I cry. After recovering a bit, I make plans on how to work things out, 
so that I can follow my path on accomplish my goals again. And that's what I do right now. I felt
like I hit rock bottom and I've recovered. 

As I said, you probably won't hear from me that often within the next 6 weeks, 'cause so my 
motivation level is on 100% again. I'll do my best to keep you updated, just felt like I owe you
an outfit post and a little explanation before I cut on my postings. 

wearing // denim shirt MANGO, skirt H&M KIDS, sleeveless blazer PRIMARK, aviators RAY 
BAN, bracelet VINTAGE, necklace MANGO

photos: Katja Kay Sabando 

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